Human Trafficking for the MDOC Correctional Nurse
According to the Department of Health and Human Services in Michigan, human trafficking affects individuals across the world, and in Michigan. It is commonly regarded as the second largest criminal enterprise after drugs. Human trafficking affects every community in Michigan across age, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic backgrounds. The prevalence of human trafficking in Michigan is increased because of its closeness to the Canadian border and its waterways. Cases prosecuted in the state include the prostitution of minors at truck stops and in hotels. Toledo, Ohio, in close proximity to Michigan, ranks 4th in the United States for human trafficking. According to the Polaris Project, the cities of Detroit, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo, Lansing and Mackinac Island have the most calls logged in to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center. The Michigan Human Trafficking Commission’s latest report can be found here.